Camping Out @ Wasai Teraja, Labi Monday, August 13, 2007
The fact that there were only four of us, didn't deter us to continue with the plan. Unfortunately the following sunday is the Rafting Klassik, so we can't muster the numbers or critical mass so to speak. Apart from one member who suffered dehydration, else it was another worthwhile appointment with the beauty of mother nature. You got to experience it first so describing them in words is no justice. I've just won an eBay bid for a GPS navigator, so we might be planning to day trek some of the places we've not frequented. We've lots and lots of things in mind ...
posted by m o g L i e @ 12:09:00 pm,
- At Tuesday, August 14, 2007 3:10:00 pm, said...
Hello, I am doing a study of the social impact of consumers in Brunei on the introduction of QQeStore for my 4000 word extended essay required for completion of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program in the International School of Brunei. In order to do so I will have to collect primary data. I was wondering whether you could assist me in being a subject of my research because you have already shopped at the QQeStore. This will not be a long process. I will just have to send you a questionnaire which you will have to fill out and send back to me. Would you be interested in doing so? I would deeply appreciate this. My email is