Disturbia d Movie

Just finished viewing the ripped DVD version duh ... Managed to find time today finally :) It falls under the bracket of suspense and bit of thriller and IMO a must see one ... should give it a try ...

posted by m o g L i e @ 1:46:00 pm, ,

Farewell Sending Off for Lil' Bro'

Tonite farewell sending off for our youngest member was mixed feelings for all. Well perhaps he's the last one to go, hence, somehow it's entirely a different scenario altogether. We all wish him good luck and the best in his studies and I'm sure he'll cope with the sudden cultural change and be back with flying colours.

If I can remember clearly the last family member to go was at one time flying back to Scotland 2 days after the infamous 911 saga happened. We're dead worried back then knowing that he's travelling from Heathrow airport and back to Glasgow alone. That's the past and time is flying fast these days so naturally you won't feel the pace by the time it's a done thing. I guess we worry too much sometime ....

posted by m o g L i e @ 10:50:00 pm, ,

Things Are Really Grinding to Halt

A week thru' Ramadan and noticeably things have slowed down a lot. A good break for now tho' slightly tired and going back home after work all the way from KB is nightmarish sometime hehe.. very sleepy ... Notably my blog updates at best will be erratic but I just want to get goin', hence another pointless post. Pretty short of ideas but what to do, nothing much expected over these few weeks to come anyway.

posted by m o g L i e @ 5:55:00 pm, ,

Nicely Said

People who do lots of work ...
make lots of mistakes.

People who do less work ...
make less mistakes.

People who do no work ...
make no mistakes.

People who make no mistakes ...
gets promoted.

posted by m o g L i e @ 11:53:00 am, ,