Relocating .. relocating .. relocating ...

Pretty soon I'll be staying at KB no more ... so lots of things have been churning in my mind lately ... distant travel back and forth to my workplace at KB and lots and lots of mentally "challenging" stuffs .. I just hope I'll get my espeed up and running in no time after moving ..he he... yeah .. broadband and internet are necessities for me .. duh. Forget about internet at the office ... where got time for one and my workloads are killing me .. sometime I feel being a taxi driver is a lot better. I guess money won't buy happiness is very very true indeed .... oh gosh .. that's life.

posted by m o g L i e @ 11:27:00 pm, ,

Teambuilding ...

Nothing to post really, so might as well drop in some pixs from our previous teambuilding away day. Just to maintain the blogging momentum .... eerr .. what momentum .... he..he.. notice the slacks ... busy = less time to spare ...

That's my team ... ideally my gut feeling tells me that was the best team I've ever led .. was nowhere within the kind of expectation you would expect in real working situation ... duh

I don't know whether the goats crossings was the "moment" or what but all we know it was another amusing episode when it coincidentally happened only during the "boss" was doing his flying fox slide ...

1/2 km walk or "running" on the sandy beach trying to preserve 3 pails of water whilst moving on to the "flying fox" area ...

Walking precariously after the wall climbs ...

posted by m o g L i e @ 12:16:00 am, ,

Gathering Nite To Remember ...

At last ... yeah at last it was a real breather for all ... gathering nite that we all are looking forward to. With guest emcee Sayuti in the frame, it was certainly a nite that was not short of hilarity and full of energy. Suffice to say that the atmosphere was just tremendous .... good and timely break really .... :)

posted by m o g L i e @ 10:04:00 pm, ,