Final Fantasy XII Saturday, October 28, 2006
It has been quite a while since the last time I was hooked with my PS2 which is now more or less collecting more dusts than usual. But when it come to Final Fantasy then it's business as usual for "seasonal" gamer like me. And thanks to my nephew who had reminded me earlier that it's already available at local store coz' I'm not that pretty updated these days. The opening sequel is convincing enough for me to expect very promising prospects from this latest release.
posted by m o g L i e @ 11:18:00 pm, ,
Hari Raya Day 3 Lil' Progress Thursday, October 26, 2006
It's day 3 of the hari raya and is real slow this year with my visitation hitlists. Now let see ... I've spend the whole day 1 with my in laws, day 2 then was solely with my parents and today day 3 I'm taking a break at home. Gonna hit the road tomorrow for a drive to BSB for visits to my wifey's relatives.
When your pda is inundated with open house invitations instead of meeting appointments, then you get reminded immediately that this is hari raya time ... lol. So these days it's still down to setting the priorities right with so little time to play around. Will concentrate first with visitations to siblings, in laws, friends' open houses and other relatives/friends being the usual scrappy efforts along the way. So who say we don't have deadlines to meet for hari raya despite being away from office ...he.he..
posted by m o g L i e @ 10:25:00 am, ,
What A Name In "bruneiresources" ? Monday, October 23, 2006
The established "Daily Brunei Resources" web page :
Another one from brunet blog, newly created with WordPress features :
Well that just shows that "bruneiresources" is taken and reserved. Not sure if it's the same person or perhaps another blogger who fancies to be the next "Mr BR" .... very perplexing indeed ....
posted by m o g L i e @ 12:45:00 am, ,
Colliding Galaxies Ignite Stellar Nurseries (Amazing Spectacle !!) Saturday, October 21, 2006
Extracts from "National Geographic News"
Scientists haven't been able to take their eyes off a nearby stellar collision. This image, snapped by the Hubble Space Telescope and released October 16, is the sharpest yet of the merging Antennae Galaxies.
The spiral galaxies, named for long antenna-like arms that extend far from the galaxies' centers, began colliding only a few hundred million years ago. The pair represents one of the closest galactic collisions to Earth, and one of the youngest known to science.
The reddish-orange blobs to the right and left of the picture's center are the two galactic cores—consisting mostly of old stars crisscrossed by filaments of dust (brown).
What has researchers really excited, though, are the blue star-forming regions, which are surrounded by hot glowing hydrogen gas (pink). Billions of new stars will be formed by the energetic collision, scientists say.
The brightest and most compact star-forming regions are called super star clusters.
By determining the age of clusters in the image, scientists now know that only about 10 percent of super star clusters will last for a substantial amount of time. These collections will most likely go on to form globular clusters—densely packed spheres of stars that orbit a galaxy—similar to globular formations in our home galaxy, the Milky Way.
The rest of the super star clusters will disperse, with the stars born there disappearing into the galaxies' background.
posted by m o g L i e @ 11:32:00 am, ,
Some +ves During This Ramadhan Monday, October 16, 2006
Hardly a week to go and times really clocking fast with some +ves at least heading in the bag for the takings :
1. Weight loss ... down by 4 kgs and at the rate it's going I'm sure I'll shed at least 6 kgs by the end of Ramadhan. Traditionally, this is the right time when it's a lot feasible to achieve such feat. No late supper, minimal intakes during breaking of fast, and simple "sahur" of oatmeal/dates/water does the job well amazingly even with zilch exercise ... emmm.
2. My 8 yrs old kid finally learned how to fast "faster". She didn't made it last year not even once, but this year she's breaking the records apart from her 1st day blip and my 4 yrs old is hopefully learning to come to terms with her "observer" backbenching status ... he.he.
3. Family togetherness starts at the dinner table, so it unites the family members at least for a month straight which is quite impossible to do at some other times of the year. I call it family ties rehabilitation exercise.
4. My injured legs recovering at last ... thanks goodness that this is the only opportunity when I'll be affording myself a lengthy break from physical exertions. Otherwise, it takes ages and ages to recuperate and I certainly need fresh legs for the upcoming brunei marathon.
posted by m o g L i e @ 9:58:00 pm, ,
Ain't This Lil' Feet Cute ? Sunday, October 15, 2006
posted by m o g L i e @ 11:42:00 pm, ,
St Michael School ... the journey gonna ends soon Thursday, October 12, 2006
The predicament certainly was not forthcoming but that's the reality. SMS gonna be just another closing chapter in the history book. It's hard to take morever like me who studied more than 10 years back in the mid 70's. Ironically , the principal himself used to be my classmate back then. I knew all along that he was striving so hard indeed to ensure that they keep afloat in the face of adversity but with such small numbers of students at disposal who could blame him. During the 80's it was normal to cramp 50 plus students in a room. But these days with so many schools mushrooming it's almost impossible to attract new students let alone improving or investing in the school facilities.
My personal contribution to the school during the golden jubilee anniversary in 2005 was certainly will be my last one. Such a pity that the teachers will be retrenched in the process. I know that some of them were in the business for ages so they might be the ones that most pyschologically impacted. The senior master, Michael Nayagam in particular joined when I was still at the school and 25 years service is a testament of his loyalty to the school. Not easy to get such a committed person and my sympathy to him. He must be thoroughly upset to learn such abrupt decision to close down.
Nothing much we can do tho'. Just hope that they will move forward, realign their career to the good and deep inside our hearts we'll certainly cherish those good memories.
posted by m o g L i e @ 10:22:00 pm, ,
Rain ... rain ... rain ... Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Was raining these few days and not to mention some occasional erratic gusts as well. Don't know to what extent does that help in our current haze condition ... hopefully to see some improvements tho... Cold weather is good to some but somehow it just dampens today's spirit. Boredom really sets in fast in no time and is really looking forward to end another pointless time wasting exercise and call it a day ... hence, this pointless piece of blog .. he..he..
posted by m o g L i e @ 3:54:00 pm, ,
Haze ... haze ... haze... Tuesday, October 03, 2006
It's hazy for quite a while now, the sunlight lacks penetration and tonight I can't help noticing how suppressed the street lights are and what more my weather widget also has that notable hazy tint he.. he.. which does make its presence more pronounced than usual.
posted by m o g L i e @ 10:12:00 pm, ,