What's The Trade Off ??? Thursday, November 30, 2006
Sitting straight is bad for the backs. Test results revealed that the 135° position or the laid back position was the best for the backs. Spinal disc movement was found more pronounced when sitting upright and desk slouchers are at high risk to wear and tear to spinal disc.
posted by m o g L i e @ 9:05:00 pm, ,
Negotiation Skills Workshop Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Today concludes my last day of the 3 days workshop on "negotiation skills". It is jointly conducted by a couple which I think is very sweet ... who says husband and wife can't work together ...
Having to last the 3 days with real negotiation simulations, I mean with elements of cheating, hassling, manipulating, misdirecting, bla..bla ... with your opponents, it's a very draining exercise. Draining in the sense that you couldn't care less with your personal values at times of "artificial" desperations to gain unfair advantages. The fact that these participants are your working counterparts that you know well just add up more spices to the whole exercise.
However, what strikes me most is certainly the exchange of "virtual" gifts to participants during the final session which we write in the papers and distribute them. It may looks like "face" value or meaningless efforts but we come to a realisation that we're indirectly reinforcing our "core" values despite being the "dirty negotiators" over that 3 days. I'm sure this workshop will give very lasting impressions on both my life and career perspectives. We'll never stop learning and learning and learning and ........
posted by m o g L i e @ 5:00:00 pm, ,
This Cracked Me Up .... Monday, November 27, 2006
This one was shared by our consultant during one of our training session. He was talking about "staff redundancies" ... Here it goes ..
Senior MGT : We need to shed 200 staff and will be doing it based on "point" system ...
Staff : That's good ... I can be spared becoz' I'm the longest serving staff with dedication, discipline .. bla. bla.. so I got more "points" ...
Senior MGT : No.. no ...to be exact we'll "point" fingers to those who we want to be made redundant ... LOL !!
That just gives me another insight what "point" system actually means ... ha. ha .. The moral of the story - don't assume if you're not sure ???
posted by m o g L i e @ 10:45:00 pm, ,
I Want More Time ... Sunday, November 26, 2006
More time, extra time, extended time, endless time and you name it .... at the end of the day it's the quality time that matters a lot .. darn .. I think I'm spending too much time on the internets, games and other stuffs ... the family is in real need to go on a hiatus and spent more time together .... another wish list, another hopefulness ... but then again school breaks are just around the corner so there's glimmer of hopes to make amends.
posted by m o g L i e @ 8:06:00 am, ,
"Aspartame" d Silent Killers Saturday, November 25, 2006
Sugar free products contain "aspartame" which is an extremely toxic chemical. Sugar can be deadly but aspartame is even deadlier.
posted by m o g L i e @ 11:41:00 pm, ,
Light A Candle .... Sunday, November 19, 2006
Got this link thru' my SCB e-statement.
posted by m o g L i e @ 11:18:00 am, ,
5 Millions Manhours Without TRC Thursday, November 16, 2006
Today we're celebrating yet another safety milestone. To achieve 5 millions manhours without TRC or "total recordable cases" is certainly a world class achievement. It's not just about breaking the statistics that counts but it's all about making our workplaces and working conditions safer. In other words, the workers get to go home to their loved ones without being seriously injured.
3 key ingredients that were reemphasised if we're to sustain or better this achievement ...ie., the ability to intervene, the courage to intervene and the show of appreciations when our unsafe actions are being intervened.
And ... and ... I also got the opportunity to see in person, an ex forumer that made headlines few years back. Definitely no name disclosure but that just shows how small Brunei is ... ;-)
posted by m o g L i e @ 8:46:00 pm, ,
Brain Drain .... Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Just too many things to do today and was struggling to cope with the hustling and bustling of today's office business. An hour meeting turns out to be out of control which encroached into lunch time. Emails after emails, urgent action items begging to be closed out ASAP summed up my day. By the time I was leaving for home, I was hobbling and wobbling like as if that was the last strand of energy left. Once at home there is nothing better than hitting for the bed for few hours doze .... the mother of all mental fatigues I guess ... zzzzzZZZZZ.
posted by m o g L i e @ 6:47:00 pm, ,
"The Banquet" Movie Sunday, November 12, 2006
Finally, I was able to spare my time to see this movie despite holding on to the DVD for weeks. To sum up, it's all about power struggle, vengeance, desire, love and hatred all rolled into one. Having seen it, somehow I've mixed feelings about it. The ending parts just doesn't seem to be well placed. Too abrupt and doesn't give any lasting impression to me. Oh well it could be becoz' of my high expectation .... I would be expecting this one to be explosive but unfortunately it isn't ... maybe not this time ....
posted by m o g L i e @ 10:35:00 pm, ,
Looking For Vacancies .... Anyone ? Friday, November 10, 2006
If you can't make out the tel. no. , it's algebraic equation .... so you need to solve them to get the no. Emmmm ... I think I'll do similar technique to get new recruitees ha...ha...
posted by m o g L i e @ 11:01:00 am, ,
Back To Business ... At Last Thursday, November 09, 2006
So much with having to tempt with open house invitations over a couple of weeks ago. My weight losing feat (5 kg) during Ramadhan is now a lost plot. I just couldn't believe it that I'm gaining about 4 kg in less than 2 weeks. So it really is time to redeem the lost battle.
I've started off with badminton on Tue, footie yesterday, planning for a jog today and probably badminton again on Fri. I hope I'll be back on track in no time and with brunei marathon just around the corner, the urgency to embark on the recovery plan should be very timely then.
posted by m o g L i e @ 12:53:00 pm, ,
Kudos To Fellow Blogger Mr RanoAdidas Wednesday, November 08, 2006
So now we know that Mr RanoAdidas is not only a well rated blogger but also potential business entrepreneur. Not that surprising really, I mean if you get to see his blog then you can easily deduce that he got that technical nous to produce the deliverables. We're looking forward to see more of these younger generations to come thru' their ranks to unleash their hidden potentials.
posted by m o g L i e @ 7:06:00 am, ,
Black Background For Certain Reasons .... Tuesday, November 07, 2006
I'm going for black background template instead which personally I think is a lot better to the eyes ... the downside however is be prepared to dilate your eyes becoz' black is equivalent to lowlight so that's normally how the pupil will react. Morever, I don't like bright lights but definitely I'm not clans to the Bram Stoker draculas ... he.he...
posted by m o g L i e @ 6:04:00 pm, ,
Template Revamp ... Sunday, November 05, 2006
Expect new facelift to my weblog over the course of days to come. Finally, I'm committing my time to test the new functionalities offered by "blogger beta". 1st impression tells that it's quite user friendly, so might as well go for it. Till then, it's tweaking time >>>> hopefully something nice will turns up ....
posted by m o g L i e @ 2:05:00 pm, ,
Stolen Bundles of Borneo Bulletins Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Didn't really realise about the thefts till today's BB news. I used to buy my copy at this one particular sundries shop which opens as early as 6 am. But yesterday strangely enough this outlet was without their BB supply when I was doing my usual stop over on the way to the office. However, another outlet at the other end of the block was selling their copies. Normally when there is disruption in delivery then the whole outlets are affected. This is possibly the 1st time BBs are being stolen in larger scale. I certainly can't live thru' the day without my BB and I use to read them before starting off with my daily office chores. What were these people thinking .... ?
posted by m o g L i e @ 6:25:00 pm, ,